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               DYNAMIC *  CREDENTIALED  *  FOCUSED  *  HUMOROUS                                                  AWARD-WINNING  *  DEFINITIVE RESULTS

The best executive is one who has sense enough to pick good people to do what he wants done,

and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.

 - Theodore Roosevelt


Teaching a seminar
Woman making a speech
           BOARD MEMBERS * TRAINERS * SPEAKERS *                                                  SALESPEOPLE
I was blessed early in my business life by working under three gifted mentors. Their intensive, uniquely comprehensive, innovative and sometimes wickedly-humorous methodology immeasurably gave me the tools to navigate the strong currents of management waters, especially about cultivating people. Instilling trust, providing dignity, demonstrating appreciation and solidifying engagement are the keys for ultimately fostering success in almost every interpersonal and business relationship.
I utilize an innovative style of coaching keenly focused on enhancing exisitng talents in concert with the development of highly effective listening, thinking and speaking skills to compliment an overall professional profile...tastefully laced with a dash of sardonic humor.Taking life too seriously can be a negative catalyst on one's success - looking at a lighter side can ease tension, anxiety and break through the "personality iceberg" of inhibiting improvement.
Whether it's association leaders striving to become better listeners, managers working on their communication skills or individuals wanting to expand their horizons...whatever the reason's always the season for learning.
If you're seeking someone for a topic presentation or guest speaking - community clubs, civic groups, service organizations, etc. - everyone can use a few words of wisdom on communication. leadership or a particular topic of choice. Please reach out to me!.
Congratulations from District 66 Governor
Where leaders are made
DTM Credentialing

One of the most proven methods of self-improvement is TOASTMASTERS. Since 1924, this has been the program used by some of the most famous and influential people around the world - presidents, congressmen, media celebreties, newscasters, CEO's, motivational speakers, sales & pitchmen...the list goes on. All of these poeple credit Toastmasters with being a pivotal influence on their success.


I can personally attest TOASTMASTERS can 1) enhance listening, thinking & speaking capabilities, 2) develop leadership acumen, 3) improve interpersonal communication, 4) foster fellowship and personal growth...and combining all of these additional attributes... 5) will propel your career! I call it, the "The Five Golden Rings" of TOASTMASTERS. 


Interested? If so, click on the logo above for more information on membership and how to find a club near you. 

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